Summer Storm Recovery Tips

Independent insurance agents not only advise clients about insurance, but they’re disaster readiness consultants. It is imperative to know what your risks are and what to do in the event of a hurricane. We recommend meeting with a Trusted Choice® independent insurance agent who can consult with you in assessing your risks and ensuring that you, your family and your home are prepared in the event of a disaster. Trusted Choice® offers many disaster-specific readiness and recovery tips for consumers.


A good way to begin your planning process is to gather as much information as you can.  There are numerous resources available to guide you through the process of getting your household prepared to deal with a disaster. Trusted Choice® offers many disaster-specific readiness and recovery tips for consumers including the following suggestions to get started:

  • Make a list of each of your insurance policy numbers and the insurance company name, and keep the information in your wallet, purse, or on your mobile device. For example, nearly all states use some form of a wallet-size auto ID card, which is required to be kept on your person, or in the vehicle. It’s a good idea to do have similar information with you on all your other insurance coverages.
  • Use social media to contact your insurance agent. Many agencies use some form of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., and these information outlets can provide vital, timely information about claims procedures and other necessary information for
  • Find out how you and your neighbors would be informed about an imminent disaster.
  • Ask if evacuation routes have been established.
  • Contact your city’s or town’s planning and emergency assistance organizations. Ask them for information about disaster planning.
  • Contact your children’s school(s) or day care center to learn about the emergency plans they have in place.
  • If a family member is in an elder care facility, check to see what emergency procedures they will follow.
  • Take a First Aid/CPR class from the American Red Cross.
  • If you have pets, have a contingency plan in place. Many emergency shelters won’t accept them.

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